• Perpustakaan Online Pusat Kodefikasi Baranahan Kemenhan
  • Perpustakaan Online Pusat Kodefikasi Baranahan Kemenhan


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Jakarta Selatan 12450
Telp. : 021-7668062-63
Fax. : 021-75907801, 7656547
Email : webmaster@ncbindonesia.org

The benefits of NATO Codification (penulis)

Preface: We often take it for granted that the NATO Codification System (NCS) is recognized as important to the advancement of logistics, but we do not often state the reasons. This article provides a review of the advantages that the NCS brings to a country’s logistics operations and to the NATO alliance and its partners.


Web application architecture : principles, protocols, and practices (penulis)

An in-depth examination of the core concepts and general principles of Web application development. This book uses examples from specific technologies (e.g., servlet API or XSL), without promoting or endorsing particular platforms or APIs. Such knowledge is critical when designing and debugging complex systems. This conceptual understanding makes it easier to learn new APIs that arise in the rapidly changing Internet environment.
ISBN : 0471486566


Ajax : creating Web pages with asynchronous JavaScript and XML (penulis)

Using Ajax, you can build Web applications with the sophistication and usability of traditional desktop applications and you can do it using standards and open source software. Now, for the first time, there's an easy, example-driven guide to Ajax for every Web and open source developer, regardless of experience.
ISBN : 9780132272674


The organization of information (penulis)

A basic textbook for students of library and information studies, and a guide for practicing school library media specialists. Describes the impact of global forces and the school district on the development and operation of a media center, the technical and human side of management, programmatic activities, supportive services to students, and the quality and quantity of resources available to support programs.
ISBN : 1563089769